None of Norway’s top contenders for Olympic gold were able to meet expectations on Tuesday night. Jakob Ingebrigtsen’s performance in the 1500-meter race left Norwegian sports fans shocked as he not only failed to secure the gold medal but also did not earn a place on the winners’ podium.

“The officials of Team Norway, representing the national athletics federation, admitted that it was not the desired outcome for the final. Ingebrigtsen came in fourth place, while his teammate Narve Gilje Nordås finished seventh.” Ingebrigtsen promptly assumed responsibility on national television, confessing to Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) that he commenced the race with excessive intensity, subsequently failing to maintain the required pace and ultimately finishing behind Cole Hocker of the US, Josh Kerr of Great Britain, and Yared Nuguse, also of the US. All three individuals achieved personal bests and completed the task in less than 3.28 minutes.
“Jakob Ingebrigtsen has experienced a significant decline,” stated Jann Post, the NRK commentator. Nordås expressed astonishment at both Hocker’s acquisition of gold and Ingebrigtsen’s subsequent loss of it.
Ingebrigtsen appeared equally astonished. “Undoubtedly, I am experiencing a sense of disappointment,” he conveyed to NRK immediately following the race, “however, there exist numerous diverse factors that contribute to occurrences of this nature.” “It’s foolish when I sabotaged it for myself.” He has already achieved Olympic gold and multiple international championships, and he explicitly acknowledged that he was solely responsible for not winning any medals.
“Before the race began,” he informed NRK, “I possessed remarkably strong and impressive legs, and I experienced an exceptional sensation.” “Subsequently, I grew excessively confident, executed an excessively challenging start, and exerted significant effort during the middle phase of the race.” The outcome was a fourth-place finish.
Ingebrigtsen is renowned for his self-assured and audacious demeanor, prompting certain Norwegians to swiftly express on social media that he may warrant a humbling experience. Some individuals supported him, highlighting the accomplishments of both Ingebrigtsen and Kerr in terms of capturing attention and generating interest in the sport.
Norway’s top athletes will have another opportunity to win gold in the 5000-meter race at the Olympics. However, after nine days since the start of the Olympics, Norway has only won one medal, which was Markus Rooth’s triumph in the decathlon over the weekend. A commenter on Team Norway’s official Facebook page proposed that Norway may now have a deeper comprehension of Rooth’s “monumental accomplishment.”
Norwegian sports fans are disappointed due to the excessive pre-Olympic publicity. Norway currently boasts its most formidable and varied Olympic team on record, with its largest contingent ever participating in a summer Olympics. After over a week of competition in Paris, the country had anticipated achieving more than just one medal.
Scandinavian countries are outperforming it: Sweden has achieved three gold medals, three silver medals, and two bronze medals as of Tuesday night, while Denmark has secured two medals. In contrast, the United States had a total of 86 medals, while China and Australia had 59 and 35 medals respectively. Upon his return to Oslo, Norwegian decathlon star Rooth could potentially receive a warm reception and be hailed as a hero.